The Hunger Project / Movement for Community-Led Development delegation visit to Mengo Youth Development Link

The delegation from Hunger Project and Movement for Community-Led Development in Uganda visited MYDEL project to assess the progress of the Right to Grow R2G project. The ten man delegation consisted of donars from Netherlands and Uganda country office. MYDEL was delighted to represent the other implementing partners of the project. MYDEL was represented by board members and the entire staff and volunteers. The exercise started with a slum walk where the visitors got the feel of the dire need of the wash and nutrition components. To round up the visit a joint debriefing session was conducted at Mengo parish Hall in musajja lumbwa where MYDEL team unpacked the progress of the project and future prospects. In their own words the visiting team were overwhelmed how MYDEL used so little to attain so much. They pledged continuity of the program for the next five years

” Stay Safe”

New MYDEL Resource Centre