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How to get involved

Your partnership enables us the continuous improvement of our work and, therefore, has a sustainable impact on the lives of the vulnerable communities of Kampala’s informal settlements. Are you still thinking about how to get involved?

MYDEL offers a variety of ways. Just choose which one is most preferable for you:


MYDELs work has constantly been enriched by our volunteers within the past years. If you are interested in supporting us with your own commitment, ideas and skills, feel warmly welcome to contact us any time.


Have you always thought of donating for a good cause, but you were never sure about where exactly the money goes to? MYDELs sponsorship program provides the opportunity to have a one-to-one relationship with one of the children. Your support can empower a child through ensuring the access to school education and therefore a great enlargement of sustainable future prospective. If you think, this could be the suitable way for you to support us, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Beneath the opportunity of individual sponsorship, financial support is essential for carrying out the variety of our projects. Therefore, MYDEL is grateful of any financial contribution, which ensures the future of our activities.